Sivan Cohen, LCSW, PC

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Signs of Burnout & How to Cope

You probably spend the majority of your hours working. If you've noticed that you’ve been feeling exhausted, dread the thought of working or feel incompetent in your job,  you may be experiencing burnout.  

What is Burnout?

Burnout is more than stress. It's being stuck in a cycle of stress. If left unaddressed, this cycle can make your day to day responsibilities feel devastating, making it difficult to function in every aspect. 

The following includes a few common signs of burnout:

Emotional fatigue. You're exhausted from caring too much, for too long. You may feel more pessimistic, cynical, and emotionally drained. You may feel like your work doesn't matter anymore. While everybody encounters negative thoughts and emotions from time to time, it's essential to recognize when these are becoming unusual for you.

Compassion fatigue. People who help people are most likely to suffer from burnout — both professionally and within the family framework. The depletion of empathy, caring, and compassion are all signs of burnout. 

“You don’t have to set yourself on fire to keep other people warm.”

-Emily Nagoski

Physical symptoms. Chronic stress may lead to physical symptoms, like headaches and stomachaches, or intestinal issues. Stress manifests as physical symptoms in our bodies, and it can even lead to chronic illness.

Trouble concentrating or paying attention.  When we're stressed, our concentration focuses on the negative detail we feel threatened by. It also weakens our problem-solving abilities, making us more absent-minded or indecisive. Our bodies are designed to handle stress only in short bursts. When stress becomes chronic, this narrow focus continues, making it challenging to focus on anything else. 

Neglecting your own needs. You may have noticed turning towards unhealthy coping strategies- like drinking at the end of the day, eating non-intuitively, or avoiding movement. Self-medicating can be another area that becomes an endless, torturous cycle. 

You're burned out. What now?

There is no shame in acknowledging you need a break. Some things you can do to start the healing process include:

Get active. Your first line of defense is movement. Go for a run, dance, do a few laps around your neighborhood. Whatever it takes to get moving. By implementing some movement, you're sending a message to your body that everything is okay. This ultimately resets the stress response-a crucial factor in burnout. 

Say no. If you consider yourself a people pleaser, you probably take on too much to avoid letting anyone down. If you're already running out of time in your day, adding more duties will only increase your stress. Assess your present commitments and reconsider the nonessential ones. The immediate relief this brings may surprise you.

Remember that suffering from burnout does not mean you are weak or a bad person.

Connect. Talk to people you trust and feel supported by. Feeling less alone when experiencing burnout can make a significant difference in your recovery.  Opening up to people can take some guts, especially if you already view yourself as “not doing enough.” But grappling with burnout on your own can make it more difficult.

Practice self-compassion.  Burnout can make you feel like a failure or like you've lost your purpose. Turn toward those uncomfortable thoughts and feelings with kindness and compassion.

What would you say to a friend in your situation? You'd probably offer kind words rather than criticize them. Do the same for yourself. 

Schedule a therapy session. It's not a sign of failure to need other people. 

A therapist can offer professional guidance by helping you identify causes, explore possible coping methods, and navigate any life challenges contributing to burnout. Expressing your feelings and being validated is a great way to lessen the burden of burnout.

If you remember nothing else, remember this.

When you think you need more grit, what you need is more help. When you think you need more discipline, what you need is more kindness. And when you think someone else needs more grit, what they need is more help. And when you think someone else needs more discipline, what they need is more kindness.

-Emily and Amelia Nagoski


Burnout: The High Cost of High Achievement.